Dakota Pomskies


Pomsky Availability: None available or coming soon

New Litter: N/A

Number Puppies Available: 0

State: SD

Price Range:

Next Litter: None


Pomsky Type: N/A

Pomsky Gender: N/A

Pomsky Markings: N/A


Dakota Pomskies

Here at Dakota Pomskies, we are a young family that has been raising and breeding dogs since 2003. We got our first Pomsky in 2015 and have loved being involved in helping the breed become more established. Pomskies are now well on their way to being a recognized breed and are officially known as the “Arctic Spitz”! We couldn’t be more excited to be part of the establishment of this breed!

We are not a large breeder, keeping only a handful of dogs at a time.  All of our dogs are loving, smart, and of sound temperament, used to being around kids and each other.  Each of our puppies go home well adapted to family life.

We love being able to get to know all of our new owners. It is so fun to provide lots of updates with pictures and videos until your new puppy is old enough to go home with you.

After our puppies go home with you, we continue the relationship in our very own Dakota Pomskies Owners group on Facebook. Here, new owners can keep up with their puppy’s siblings, be part of a community of other Dakota Pomskies puppy owners, ask questions, give advice, and share lots of pictures and videos!


Corsica, SD


Point of contact:  Sarah Lefers
Email: dakotapomskies@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DakotaPomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dakotapomskies/
Website: www.dakotapomskies.com
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/dakota-pomskies/


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*Find photos here when this breeder has available Pomskies*

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