Trying to find the perfect Pomsky?
Worried about scams?
Looking for a reputable breeder?
Tired of checking multiple breeders’ Facebook pages and website for litter updates?
Still looking for answers to your questions?
Finding the perfect Pomsky can take many stressful months!
The Pomsky Owners Association is here to help!

“Thanks for all your help! We bought one from Smoky Mountain Pomskies! So excited, thank you!”
KirstenPomsky from Smoky Mountain Pomskies
“Thank you. I got a delightful puppy from Spillman specialty breeding. Thank you for all your recommendations!”
PaulaPomsky from Spillman Pomskies
“I found a Pomsky on the association website that I am going to get! I do appreciate that this is a legitimate site. I found a puppy I really like fairly quickly.”
KarenPomsky from Pomsky Northerns