Dakota Pomskies
Here at Dakota Pomskies, we are a young family that has been raising and breeding dogs since 2003. We got our first Pomsky in 2015 and have loved being involved in helping the breed become more established. Pomskies are now well on their way to being a recognized breed and are officially known as the “Arctic Spitz”! We couldn’t be more excited to be part of the establishment of this breed!
We are not a large breeder, keeping only a handful of dogs at a time. All of our dogs are loving, smart, and of sound temperament, used to being around kids and each other. Each of our puppies go home well adapted to family life.
We love being able to get to know all of our new owners. It is so fun to provide lots of updates with pictures and videos until your new puppy is old enough to go home with you.
After our puppies go home with you, we continue the relationship in our very own Dakota Pomskies Owners group on Facebook. Here, new owners can keep up with their puppy’s siblings, be part of a community of other Dakota Pomskies puppy owners, ask questions, give advice, and share lots of pictures and videos!
Corsica, SD
Point of contact: Sarah Lefers
Email: dakotapomskies@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DakotaPomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dakotapomskies/
Website: www.dakotapomskies.com
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/dakota-pomskies/

Prairie Paddock
We are a small kennel located in Brookings, South Dakota. Prairie Paddock is a small acreage where we treat our pomskies as members of the family. We have two children who help out, and we also have many other farm animals on the land. We are committed to ethical breeding and raising the best pomskies possible.
Brookings, SD
Point of contact: Olivia Lefers
Email: prairiepaddock@gmail.com
Website: https://prairiepaddock.weebly.com/upcoming-litters.html#
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prairiepaddockpomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prairiepaddock_pomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/prairie-paddock/

SD Pomskies
SD Pomskies is a certified member of the Pomsky Owners Association and the International Pomsky Association. As a member of the POA we agree to promote the education of the pomsky breed above all else; we uphold the highest standards of pomsky breeders and strive to better the long term health and well being of the pomsky breed.
Big Stone City, SD
Point of contact: Sara Shelstad
Email: sdpomskies@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sdpomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sdpomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/sd-pomkies/

Big Sky Pomskies
Big Sky Pomskies is located in the heart of Montana. Although we are remote, our puppies have been delivered across the entire country.
We believe in keeping small to give our dogs the best care that they deserve.
Pups will be sized by 5 weeks. They have averaged between 9 and 18 lbs.
We have hit our target by producing some beautiful blue eyed pomskies, but we still have some mixed colors and some party favorites.
Vaughn, MT
Point of contact: James Croxford
Phone: (406) 750-2699
Email: croxford.james@gmail.com
Website: https://www.bigskypomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BSPomskies
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bigskypomskies/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsXn3DAuYyrFcIsLH84Aksw
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/big-sky-pomskies-montana
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/big-sky-pomskies/

Clover Ridge Pomskies
We are a small family breeder who is crazy passionate about the Pomsky breed!
Mason City, Iowa
Point of contact: Sarah and Clay Ivonavitch
Phone: 641-430-7173
Email: cloverridgepomskies@outlook.com
Website: https://www.cloverridgepomskies.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/cloverridgepomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverridgepomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/clover-ridge-pomskies/

Cottonwood Pomskies
We are a small operation in eastern Nebraska. Our dogs live in our homes and our puppies are raised with love and attention.
York, Nebraska
Point of contact: Jason Hirschfeld and Leanne Wiemer
Phone: 402-370-6972
Email: cottonwoodpomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://cottonwoodpomskies.wixsite.com/pomskypuppiesforsale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015389021621
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cottonwoodpomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/cottonwood-pomskies/

Family Pomsky LLC
We are a family that has a passion for raising dogs and breeding happy, healthy puppies. We believe that God has blessed us with the ability to raise puppies that bring joy to others and we pray that all of our puppies find their forever homes. Our puppies are socialized starting at a young age to ensure you bring home a loving pup ready for adventure and snuggles. We are a homeschooling family with kids ages 16-2, so the puppies get plenty of love and attention. We offer life time breeder support to help you along your journey and love getting updates.
Lewiston, MN
Point of contact: Michelle Erickson
Phone: (507) 421-4498
Email: michelle.erickson81@yahoo.com
Website: https://familypomsky.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/familypomsky?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Instagram: https://instagram.com/familypomsky?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/family-pomsky-minnesota
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/family-pomsky-llc/

Goodness Gracious Pomskies
Welcome to Goodness Gracious Pomskies! We are located in the small town of Lyons, Nebraska. Our Dogs are part of our family; they are “pets first” and well loved by our three boys. Our mission is to raise high quality, healthy, and well loved pomsky puppies right out of our home!
Lyons, Nebraska
Point of contact: Shandra Carr
Phone: 402-380-9109 (call or text)
Email: goodnessgraciouspomskies@
Website: https://goodnessgraciouspomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodnessgraciouspomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodnessgraciouspomskies/?hl=en
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/goodness-gracious-pomskies/

Gypsy Rose Pomskies
At Gypsy Rose Pomskies, our goal in our breeding program is to produce happy and healthy puppies with friendly dispositions that fit in seamlessly as incredible family pets. We are a small Pomsky Breeder that is located in southern Minnesota. This allows us to live together with our pack, and our breeding dogs are our family members! Every puppy coming from Gypsy Rose Pomskies has adult/children socialization from day one. Our puppies are born in our house and are raised in our home. DNA testing is done through Embark before breeding to ensure happy and healthy next generation Pomskies. Embark can test over 190+ hereditary diseases. Our puppies will come with a written 1-year health guarantee.
Rochester, MN
Point of contact: Megan Rinehart
Phone: 1-507-272-2433
Email: gypsyrosepomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://www.gypsy-rose-pomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GypsyRosePomsky
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/gypsy-rose-pomskies/

Hill Tribe Pomskies
Our love for pomskies began with our plush sable pup. They are the perfect furry companion. We hope to bring you the joy that our pomskies have given us! Healthy and beautiful companions live here.
We ensure that all our dogs are healthy and loved. They all have been Embark health tested and live in home with us. We strive to have fully OFA recommended testing for all our program dogs to ensure you bring home a healthy companion.
St. Paul, MN
Point of contact: Panou Hang
Phone: (651) 968-9137
Email: hilltribepomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://www.hilltribepomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hilltribepomskies
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hilltribepomskies/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqVOCG0j-fMR2C4c8WUzCjQ
Other Social: https://www.tiktok.com/@hilltribepomskies
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/hill-tribe-pomskies/

Lakeshore Pomskies
Lakeshore Pomskies is a small family breeder that only breeds Pomskies. Our dogs and puppies are not raised in kennels or cages; they are raised as part of our family and held from the day they are born. We believe in socializing our puppies from day one to get them familiar with being held, all ages of kids and adults, other animals, noises and groups of people.
Nashua, Iowa
Point of contact: Briana or Mark Brunner
Phone: (641)-330-4294
Email: lakeshorepomskies@gmail.com
Website: www.lakeshorepomskies.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lakeshorepomskiespuppies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/lakeshore-pomskies/

LJ Kennels
We are a small family-owned breeder in southern Iowa dedicated to raising unique and well-tempered Pomskies. Our dogs are well-loved members of our family and are the heart of our household. Our family has always depended on the comfort and love of our dogs, and we strive to help other families enjoy the same comfort and care that dogs have always given us. All of the Pomskies in our program are spoiled couch lovers, and we aspire for their puppies to have the same. All of our dogs are Embark tested and cleared. We are members of the International Pomsky Association(IPA), the Pomsky Owners Association(POA), and are also recognized as a Responsible Breeding Program by GoodDog.
Centerville, Iowa
Point of contact: Lexy and John Hedgecock
Phone: 641-856-7891
Email: LJKennelpuppies@gmail.com
Website: https://www.ljkennels.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LJKennelspuppies/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lj_kennels/?hl=en
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/lj-kennels/

Maine Aim Ranch Dogs
We at Maine Aim Ranch are so blessed to do what we love to do! We live on a ranch in Southern Iowa and I homeschool my two youngest children. We have been involved in raising and showing cattle, both my husband and I since we were born. This is extremely helpful when choosing our breeding stock and the health care of our dogs. We know the importance of great vaccination program, overall health care, and socialization of our dogs/puppies and livestock. Our dogs are part of our family, and we love each and every one of them and we love each and every pup like our own until they are blessed to become part of their new family. Please consider Maine Aim Ranch Dogs for your next puppy!
Allerton, Iowa
Point of contact: Karen McCullough
Phone: 641-344-5548 (call or text)
Email: maineaim@grm.net
Website: https://maineaimranchdogs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maineaimranchpomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/maine-aim-ranch-dogs/

Mountain Shadow Pomskies
Beverly Olsen my mother started breeding and grooming dog in 1972. In 1991 she taught me how to groom and taught me how to breed the best of the best and how to improve the breed that I was working with. My son Markus brought the Pomsky breed to my attention in 2012. My friend Lisa pushed me to breed the pomskies saying this is perfect for me. At the time I was finishing my degree in Forensic Science. I now breed Pomskys and I have incorporated my degree in DNA science to research my dogs and test the genetics they carry to produce the best of the best breed pomsky.
Mountain Shadow pups are micro chipped, dewormed, socialized and have received all of their first shots. In addition, Mountain Shadow Pomskies offers a 3 year guarantee and all pups have their origin verified through the University of California Davis.
Columbia Falls, Montana
Point of contact: Chree Martin and Steve Martin
Phone Number: 801-598-7103
Website: Mountainshadowpomskys.com
Email: Pets@mountainshadowkennels.com
Facebook: Mountain Shadow Kennels
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/mountain-shadow-pomskies/

Welcome to Paw-lenty-of-Pomskies! There is no such thing as backyard breeder or puppy mill here, we raise our dogs as family! Our dogs are inside our home (fur Included Hahah) with us although we do have a lovely spacious fenced in area outside for plenty of “Free” play. All our dogs are socialized and well loved including our puppy litters, so they are all ready for their new furever homes.
We guarantee your new puppy will be of sound health and temperament at the time of sale. We love our puppies, so our commitment to you will not end when your puppy arrives home. We offer a puppy parent page so Past and future puppy parents can keep up to date.
All our puppies will have a well puppy check by our licensed Veterinarian before going to their new homes. They will also be up to date with age appropriate vaccinations and de-wormed while in our care. We offer a 12 month health guarantee (We require 6 month health updates or guarantee is null and void). We will update you with photos of your new puppy while in our care. We are very excited for you to see your new puppy grow and develop. We do require a spay/neuter contract for puppy parent unless otherwise discussed. We will send the new owner/buyer our contract, this must be signed and returned within ten days of selecting your new puppy. 12 month guarantee will be null and void if puppy is bred. If proper licensed Veterinary care is not given our 12 month guarantee will be null and void. Guarantee is only warranted to original purchaser. No cash refunds, only credit applied towards a new puppy will be awarded.
Cleveland, Minnesota
Point of contact: Chris and Rachel Sohm
Phone: 507-351-0383
Email: pawlentyofpomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://pawlentyofpomskies.wixsite.com/mysite
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PawlentyofPomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pawlentyofpomskies/?hl=en
Pinterest: https://pin.it/5XkR8cK
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/paw-lenty-of-pomskies/

Roy Ranch Pomskies
Roy Ranch is a family-based operation where we put our passion into animal husbandry. We are located right outside of Scotia Nebraska, where we have raised our 3 daughters and laid down our roots. On the ranch we raise commercial black angus, AQHA quarter horses, pomskies, and bengals. We strongly believe in being Nebraska Strong and are beyond thankful to live in such an amazing rural community.
Our family has been raising animals since we came America. Our great-grandfather started our family in animal husbandry by leasing out a pair of Perchron Stallions across the Midwest. He would travel all over to small ranches in order to trade work horses and spread superior genetics. From there, the Roy’s have ran a Grade-A Dairy farm, finishing feedlot, and a cow-calf operation. You could easily say that our roots lie in the ranch lifestyle, but we believe in producing quality genetics for the animal industry. Since we have gotten into the pomsky breed it has really opened another aspect to our lives.
Our journey started when we rescued a male Siberian husky from our local animal shelter. We automatically fell in love with the breed. Once we decided to raise them ourselves we heard about the new designer breed of Pomskies. This was the perfect combination between huskies and pomeranians as it truly is the best of both worlds. Our foundation stock is part of our family and goes every where with us. Our males and females are the basis of our program so the quality of their lives are at the upmost importance to us.
We take great pride in our superior genetics and strive to produce quality puppies. Our puppies are very intelligent with sweet temperaments. They are well socialized, loveable, smart, and healthy puppies!
The pomsky breed has proved to be an amazing family dog and we are infatuated with the breed!
Scotia, Nebraska
Point of contact: Donald and Dena Roy
Phone: Ranch: (308)245-3304 Cell: (308)750-5328
Email: royranch.dena@gmail.com
Website: www.royranch.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/royranchpomskies/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtD_rxpaP2TfwhLgkCUUJOA
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/roy-ranch-pomskies/

SRF Pomskies
We are a small family breeder who is striving to produce a small number of carefully bred litters of high quality pomskies. Our dogs are part of our family and live with us in our home where they enjoy a lot of attention and loving by our children. Our working hobby farm provides the pups with a lot of activity and experiences while they get ready to go to their new homes!
Greenfield, Minnesota
Point of contact: Rebecca Hannay
Phone: (763) 670-0345
Email: rebecca.hannay@yahoo.com
Website: https://srfpomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/srf.pomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/srf-pomskies/

SZ Pomskies
SZ Pomskies moto is, “Achieving Excellence by Producing Perfection.” It is our goal to raise the most high quality Pomsky puppies in structure, health, temperament and ability. We strive to assure our buyers a happy, healthy puppy for life.
It is our duty to provide every buyer with not only the best puppy they can find but also the best experience! We offer lifetime breeder support to every buyer that purchases from us. This means throughout your puppy’s life, we will be there every step of the way to tend to any questions or concerns you may have and to simply offer support and advice of raising this wonderful breed. We will always offer our abundance of knowledge to help each buyer on their journey. We take great pride in the Pomsky and want to share our love for them with each and every buyer that purchases from us. We hope to make this the best and most wonderful puppy buying experience possible.
When you purchase from SZ Pomskies your puppy comes with IPA papers, their dew claws removed, the first set of shots done, deworming at 2,4,6 and 8 weeks, a puppy pack, puppy food, coupons and food discounts, health record, blanket, and a 2 year genetic health guarantee.
SZ Pomskies puppy Pixie was awarded the 2016 Pomsky of the year
McCallsburg, Iowa
Point of contact: Kanzaidy Frank / Zaidy Tjelmeland
Phone Number: 641-745-9939
Email: szrollingacres@gmail.com
Website: szrollingacres.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/szpomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/sz-pomskies/

Yuna’s Pomsky
Hi, I’m Mae Yang
I’m the breeder behind Yuna’s Pomsky located in Minnesota. We are proud to offer our beautiful Pomsky puppies to loving homes! Our dogs are healthy and have great temperaments. Our focus is to produce the best dogs of the highest quality so that other families can also enjoy the love of a dog. These dogs have proven to be wonderful companions in our lives. It is a privilege to be able to share that love and friendship with others through responsible breeding.
Blaine, MN
Point of contact: Maehnou Yang
Phone: (612) 346-8713
Email: yunaspomsky@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/XFCuAjmXpg1Xz5z4/?mibextid=qi2Omg
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/yunas-pomsky-minnesota
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/product/yunas-pomsky-available-pomskies/
Click the button below to get your Pomsky shopping checklist, how to save $1,000, new litter updates every time a Pomsky is available, and more