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Features of the Pomsky Breed

Though most animal lovers choose purebred pets with excellent pedigree and genes, Pomsky broke all thesea stereotypes and became extremely popular among dog lovers and professionals. These dogs are unlike any other breed. Besides, each new offspring is different from each other, and each dog is a unique individual.

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Photo by Matterhow from Pinterest

The Pomsky is a perfect copy of the well-known husky, but in miniature, so even an inexperienced can recognize this dog. The dog’s height does not exceed 25–40 cm, and its weight ranges from 4 to 13 kg. Traditionally, males are slightly larger, but in most cases, it depends on the pedigree. Despite its cute appearance, the animal is very graceful, and many can envy its movement’s smoothness.

The dog’s size and weight primarily depend on the parents, so the dog can be either completely miniature or reach a height of about 40 cm, but this dog is typically 2 times smaller than the husky. The wool of the Pomsky is soft, with a short but moisture-resistant undercoat. Its color can be of various shades. Besides, a well-known husky ‘mask’ on the face may be present.

The breed received perfect intelligence from its parents, so this dog not only looks beautiful but is also quite smart. Pomsky can be easily trained. And even if the dog does not get into a specialized school, the animal can easily learn the basics of living in a society with the owner’s help. Besides, the dog has a fairly high physical activity, but it’s degree depends on many factors, which also include heredity, size, and offspring. Today, a cross between a husky and a Pomeranian spitz exists in 2 versions at once. These are the so-called hybrids of the first (F1) and second order (F2).

The F1 is a mixture of Pomeranian and Husky, no Pomsky involved. This is an animal whose direct parents are representatives of these breeds. Hybrid F2 – an animal that is the result of crossing two Pomsky, F1 hybrids. So it can be concluded that there is no established breed standard, and a Pomsky can have any trait from one of the parents.

The nature of the Breed

In most cases, a breed of dog like Pomsky absorbs only the best qualities from its parents’ characters. This animal is quite cheerful and has a playful, friendly character, which, combined with the love for humans, makes it the best domestic dog.

The animal gets along well with any family member of any age and can also become a real friend for another pet. The dog is not aggressive, but it can fend for itself. The Pomsky gets along well with any beloved living creature and carefully treats personal space, so such a dog can be allowed near the baby, without fear for the child’s life. Pomskies can also thrive in multi-pet households— be it with a fellow furry one like a cat or a small fish like dawn tetras— as long as you socialize your pets when the Pomsky is still young. However, it has a rather complicated relationship with rodents since they are, first of all, a toy for him.

Unlike most dogs, this variety tolerates loneliness well, so it is ideal, for example, for a successful careerist who loves dogs but does not have extra time for them. Despite its distinct personality, the animal is quite seriously attached to a person, even if, at first glance, it may be slightly indifferent to the owner.

Choosing a Puppy

Even if you have enough funds, it will not be an easy task to acquire Pomsky. And there are many reasons for this. The breed is recognized as an innovation in professional dog breeding, and the desire for it is growing every day.  Besides, an additional factor complicating the purchase is the fact that first-generation hybrids are the most popular.

The first thing that experts check is its pedigree. A high-quality offspring is obtained by direct crossing a Husky with a Spitz. Then, you need to check the general state of the puppy. The coat should be soft and smooth, without bald areas, eyes, nose, and mucous membranes should be clean, without abundant discharge with a pungent odor.

The body should be proportional, and its parts should smoothly merge into each other. The puppy must be spirited, non-aggressive, and ready to make contact. Besides, it must have an excellent appetite. To confirm the pedigree, many do a DNA analysis of the puppy because only in this case you can be 100% sure of its origin.

How to care for Pomsky

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Photo by Pomsky Dog from Pinterest


Pomsky is considered to be a rather unpretentious dog in terms of keeping conditions. This animal can live happily in a large country house as well as in a small apartment. In a mansion, the dog does not need everyday walks, but it must free the concentrated energy in the fresh air at least several times a day when it lives in a small apartment.

In the house, it is necessary to provide the dog with personal space; for this purpose, any room will do, in which it is imperative to provide soft bedding. The dog does not need special attention. However, for the animal not to begin to miss communication with the owner, he must definitely pay a few minutes of attention.

Caring for this unique animal is no different from caring for its relatives: the dog is unpretentious, which is one of its main advantages. The basic rules of care relate to wool cleaning, a preventive examination by a veterinarian, etc. Let’s consider the basic rules for the correct content of them in more detail.

Bathing and Grooming

Pomsky breed can boast of a thick undercoat and long hair. This helps the animal protect itself from rain or snow and makes it possible to stay clean for a long time. For the wool to remain in excellent condition, it must be constantly combed out, but not more often than once a month. The dog sheds 2 times a year. Therefore, for hygienic purposes, combing is carried out daily during shedding periods. You can bathe your dog often, but not more often than once every 2 weeks. Consider buying a dog shampoo for this. Otherwise, the dog’s skin may be severely damaged. After bathing, the dog should be wiped off with a terry towel and dried with a hairdryer.

Checking for infections

The prophylactic examination should be carried out as often as possible, but it is best to schedule visiting the veterinary clinic. If you suspect a disease, you should not hesitate and wait for the next examination, but it is best to contact a specialist immediately.

The Pomsky, unlike other dogs, has a unique habit of licking its fur like a feline. Thus, this breed is one of the cleanest dogs. This is an energetic and agile animal, which must be paid attention to for morning and evening walks and extra time for physical activity on weekends. Standard games with dogs are best suited for these purposes, using additional equipment

Choosing Food

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Photo from Pinterest

Creating the right diet for this breed is very simple. In taste preferences, this dog is no different from other domestic dogs. Therefore, this breed can be fed either with ordinary dry food or natural according to ThePets guide of dry puppy food. In this case, the main rule is to observe the optimal amount of proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, and other useful substances consumed by the dog. But consider some controversial points in the diet of this animal.

First of all, to maintain the health of the Pomsky for many years, the dog should never be given:

  • fatty or smoked food;
  • sweets;
  • overly salty foods;
  • flour;
  • raw meat or fish.

Important! When choosing the type of food for poms, it is recommended to stop your choice exclusively on natural food. Only in this case, it will be possible to provide the animal with all the necessary substances for active growth and vital activity.

The main trait you will fall in love with is its Pomsky pretty appearance, playful nature, and unique intelligence. The animal is unpretentious so that you can create optimal conditions for a long and joyful life both in a country house and in a city apartment. However, this dog has its drawbacks. First of all, this is a very high price for puppies and their rarity in the pet market.

Alina Andreeva: Alina is the editor and content creator at ThePets blog. She is a pet-lover and passionate to write about pet nutrition, and health. Her knowledge aims to make the pet owner’s life with pets more comfortable.

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