‘Brick’House Couture Pomskies
- Dogs are my Life. They are sent by God to care for our fragile nature in the NOW. In middle school, my greatest achievement in life was to memorize all the dogs and classes listed in the Encyclopedia of Dogs. I was fascinated with the complexity and variation of dogs that exist and the purpose they provided to the families that loved them. I was destined to become a great “Breeder of Dog”.
- Since middle school, I have always wanted to be a breeder. As I got older, I began to understand the magnitude and responsibility of breeding animals. I wanted to wait until I found the perfect breed that I wanted to see flourish in the world. Pomskies are that breed for me. In 2020, yes during the Pandemic, I bought my first Pomsky “Journie” she changed my life. Being a healthcare provider, things weren’t going well for me, she helped me to see the positives in being alive and helped me to navigate a VERY difficult time in my life. I believe POMSKIES are “AMAZING” and I want to help put the best dogs in the best families.
- At Brickhouse Pomskies our greatest purpose is to produce healthy, beautiful, well-tempered Pomsky Puppies. Our mission is training Pups to become therapy/assistance dogs to help alleviate suffering in our communities. Located in Tidewater Virginia, our goal is to produce a superior line of Puppies (Dogs) that can work in neighborhoods to visit the elderly, be listeners in libraries, and offer encouragement with rehabilitation services to community members and families alike.
- We produce family pups raised in homes; NOT kennels. Pomskies are a social breed of dog and need the attention of the pack. We believe every dog deserves the love and attention of their own family therefore, we do not raise our dogs in kennels. We raise them with us or in a Guardian home, the home of their FURever family.
- We offer high quality Pups for sale for people looking to add a beautiful, fun loving, happy, and energetic member to their family.
Norfolk, Virginia
Point of contact: Julie S. Jones-Brickhouse
Phone: (802) 731-1963
Email: bhc.pomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://www.bhc-pomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100072250482414
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bhc_pomskies/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCopoPT46uMtNt-HGYSnziug
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/brickhouse-couture-pomskies

Capital Pomsky
If you are looking for a healthy Pomsky with a fantastic Temperament – look no further! I breed for great temperaments, but they sure are cute too! I spent years researching the Pomsky and getting to know the best breeders. I wanted to form a relationship with the breeder community and help take the Pomsky into the future. So the pups I have come from an amazing background which is evident in not just their looks but their temperament. Which for me that is key – sure we all want pretty pups, but we also want one that can be trained and enjoyed for a lifetime.
The parents and pups are raised in our home. They are our family. The mom whelps next to my bed and I keep a watchful eye on the mom and pups. I work on socialization, adding concepts from the “puppy culture” methodology, to support not only their neurological development but their confidence and joy for living with their humans. Lastly, I don’t stop learning; from genetic testing, to new ways to socialize your pup, I am always seeking to improve and by doing so, I can provide you with a wonderful addition to your family. Many of our families came back to get a second (and third) pup from us.
Leesburg, Virginia
Point of contact: Donna Bernier
Phone: (703) 403-4747
Email: Cappoms@mail.com
Website: https://www.CapPom.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/capitalpomsky/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/capitalpomsky/
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/capital-pomsky-11840
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/capital-pomsky/

East Coast Pomskies
Our goal is to breed a great dog for all, super intelligent with very social personalities. Specialized in micro/toy and mini sized Pomsky’s under 15lb. All of our puppies are raised in our home underfoot and treated like family until they reach their forever homes.
Aylett, Virginia
Point of contact: Kimberly Winkler
Phone: (301) 312-0599
Email: kim@eastcoastpomskies.com
Website: https://eastcoastpomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastcoastpomskys?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/east_coast_pomskies?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/east-coast-pomskies/

Purely Pomskies
We are a family owned business located in Northern Virginia. We started following Pomskies about four years ago. After seeing a lot of beautiful puppies we finally decided to purchase one in October of 2014. We had followed one of the pioneers of the breed (Apex Pomskies) and were fortunate to purchase one of their beautiful 25/75 puppies. From the moment we met Nola Belle, we knew we wanted to make other people happy by providing these beautiful babies. We purchased our female Husky for breeding just four months later and our journey began.
The dogs we use for breeding are also our pets. They do not live in cages; they live in our home and even sleep in our room. The fact that they sleep with us will most likely change as we add more puppies to our breeding pool (our bed is only so big).
We do not sell to the highest bidder. We require applications on all purchases and take great care when selecting potential owners.
Our puppies receive exceptional care while they are with us. They have 3 visits to the vet, get their first vaccinations, first and second worming, and come with a record of vaccinations from the vet. We do DNA testing on each litter and the results are provided upon request. We also provide Pomsky Club of America registration papers on all of our puppies.
Our goal is to place the right puppy with the right owner.
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Point of contact: Mike and Christy Johnson
Phone: 540-446-4495
Email: purelypomskies@gmail.com
Website: www.purelypomskies.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purelypomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/Purely-Pomskies/

Roaring Springs Pomskies
Roaring Springs Pomskies is committed to producing healthy happy Pomskies. We go above and beyond for our furbabies.
Gloucester, Virginia
Point of contact: Angela Pearce
Phone: (804) 854-4422
Email: angelapearce83@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075972051207
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/roaring-springs-pomsky-virginia
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/roaring-springs-pomskies/

Hudson’s Huskies & Pomskies
25 Years and counting of breeding Sled dog Breeds. Generations of Happy, Healthy, Loving dogs/pups NOT kept in cramped cages and on short leashes. And many happy new owners willing to tell you about me. Decades of great Bloodlines. Not afraid to let you Come and See where our dogs live, and how they are raised. Also shipping in the US and Some places in Canada. Puppies Heath Checked And Health Guaranteed also Embark tested Siberian Huskies & Pomskies.
Our kennel accomplishments with our sled dog breeds include, Many puppies CGC and Champion titled in the IWPA, UKC, AMCA. Disney calling us for dogs for their movies, small movie parts in other films, featured in Dogs Magazine(Hong Kong). Many famous movie stars, singers and athletes with our pups. The British Broadcasting Company doing an interview with us. As well as recognition in our local Cooperator paper. And member of the International Pomsky Association. What more can you ask from a breeder?
“If your looking for EXPERIENCED, QUALITY AND HONESTY” Contact us to see if one of our AMAZING fur kids might be right for you !!!
Baxter, Tennessee
Point of contact: Jolene Houghtaling
Phone: 931-432-0955
Email: jhoughtaling@charter.net
Website: http://hudsonshuskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jolene.houghtaling.5
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/hudsons-huskies-pomskies/

M&L Pomskies
I have always had dogs in my family and can’t imagine how empty my life would be without them. I decided several years ago I wanted a smaller dog but loved Siberian Huskies and I found my first Pomsky. That was 7 years ago and I have learned so much about this breed. I started training and showing these dogs for Obedience and 3 of them are titled in obedience, 2 with championships. Dakota is titled in AKC, UKC, CDSP and CWAGS, he is a show dog!
They are very intelligent, high energy dogs and so much fun to train as long as you enjoy a challenge! My pack has grown to 6 and I am now breeding them. I would like to see this breed recognized by AKC and it is part of my mission to see that happen.
I look for homes for my puppies where they will be loved as much or more than they are in my home!
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Point of contact: Nancy Murphy
Phone: 717-433-1118
Email: murphypomskies@outlook.com
Website: http://mandlpomskies.com/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/ml-pomskies/

Middle Tennessee Pomskies
Our families are big animal advocates and began our Pomsky adventure together in 2013. Since then we have enjoyed spreading our Pomsky love with over 100 happy families! It is hard to let these adorable puppies go, so we have developed the VIP (Very Important Pomsky) page, where our Pomsky families can stay in contact with us and always have a trusted Pomsky network that they can turn to.
We are members of the Pomsky Club of America as well as the Pomsky Owners Association and adhere to all of their rules and regulations in order to provide healthy and well-adjusted puppies to our owners. The PCA hold breeders to a higher standard so that buyers can safely buy a pomsky knowing that it was DNA verified and that their breeder was maintaining the highest standards for their dogs and puppies.
Nashville, Tennessee
Point of contact: Mike Peterson & Adam Smith
Phone: 615-624-2284
Email: MiddleTNPomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://www.middletennesseepomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PomskiesMiddleTN/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/middletennessee-pomskies/

Pomsky Dynasty
We are a Pomsky Dog Breeder with a passion for animals. We breed for exceptional quality and ensure we always maintain the highest possible standards. To learn more about us or to inquire about available pups, please contact us.
Lyles, TN
Point of contact: Jessie Miller
Phone: (615) 767-2853
Email: pomskydynasty@gmail.com
Website: https://www.pomskydynasty.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556629547296&mibextid=LQQJ4d
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/pomsky-dynasty/

Pristine Pomskies
Here at Pristine Pomskies, we uphold a strict breeding standard and all of our animals are inside pets. We breed to achieve amazing temperament and health first and adorable markings second. All puppies are raised inside our home and are socialized throughout each day. We make sure every puppy that is adopted is a perfect match for its new family.
Our relationship with adopters begins with a phone call and lasts the entire life of the dog. We are always here to answer your questions and concerns about your new family member. This is a hobby for us since we only own 2 huskies. This allows us to spend more time matching puppies perfectly since we only have a few pomskies per year.
We pride ourselves in ensuring a positive experience! Puppies from Pristine Pomskies come with a 2 year health guarantee, thorough vet examination, first round of puppy shots, health record, deworming, puppy food, toys, harness, leash, and blanket with their mother’s scent. Microchips are available upon request.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Point of contact: Lauren Schrumpf
Email: pristinepomskies@gmail.com
Website: http://pristinepomskies.webs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pristinepomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/Pristine-pomskies/

Spillman’s Specialty Breeding
Spillman’s Specialty Breeding is a small family owned kennel located in KY. We offer CKC Pomeranians on a limited registration, as well as CKC & IPA Pomskies that are sold on a strict spay and neuter contract. We are dedicated to the health and temperament of our dogs and seek out only desirable traits to pass on to our puppies. We strongly support responsible breeding practices and responsible ownership. This is reflected in our code of ethics and the well maintained fur babies we use in our breeding program.
Edmonton, KY
Point of contact: Mckinley Spillman
Phone: 270-576-5290
Email: mckinleybaker34@yahoo.com
Website: http://spillmansspecialtybreeding.weebly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Spillmans-Specialty-Breeding-1868920500003851/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/spillmans-specialty-breeding/

Smoky Mountain Pomskies
We are a family owned breeder that specializes in Pomsky puppies. Our dogs are part of the family, they live with us and interact with us on a daily basis. We adhere to high breeding standards to ensure the safety of our dams and in order to maintain the integrity of our lines.
Christiana, TN
Point of contact: Jennifer Turner
Phone: 615-995-4682
Email: smokymtnpomskies@gmail.com
Website: http://www.smokymountainpomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smokymtnpomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smoky_mountain_pomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/Smoky-Mountain-Pomskies/

Star Power Pomskies
Star Power Pomskies was started in 2019 in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. We are a small Pomsky breeder that strives in excellent lines and health, markings and very well socialized puppies. All of our puppies are home raised, loved and are socialized individually. We are not a Puppy Mill and we do not overbreed our dams. Our Pomskies are our family members and they get treated as such. We started this program looking carefully at our dams and sires Embarks and DNA’s to know what we are striving for in producing quality, healthy puppies with great genetics. Our motto is always “Quality over Quantity” and we enjoy raising this very unique breed and are always striving to improve our program.
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Point of contact: Rhonda Marsh
Phone: 865-386-8550
Email address: Southerndraw@aol.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/starpowerpomskies
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starpowerpomskies/?hl=en
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/star-power-pomskies/

Stonehill Breeders
Stonehill Breeders produce premium quality puppies born and raised inside our home and exercised, when they are older, on our multiple patios and half acre property.
We prioritize using health tested dogs from show and Champion AKC and UKC lines that are fed premium dog food for optimum health. Pomskys are IPA registered. We breed standard, mini and toy/micro sizes. We also breed standard, plush and woolly coats in colors such as chocolate, chocolate merle, blue merle, blue, silver, white, black and white, red and white.
Louisville, Kentucky
Point of contact: Nedalee Thomas
Phone: (949) 233-5239
Email: Nedalee@aol.com
Website: http://www.Stonehillbreeders.com
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/StonehillBreeders
Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/Stonehillbreeders
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCES8sXyCDXYqBxUeY6UBiuw
Gooddog: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/stonehill-breeders-kentucky
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/stonehill-breeders/
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