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General Dog Info

Benefits of Dogs for Students and Their Education

You may be a cat person, but most students usually prefer dogs. Human’s four-legged friends give us so much fun and joy. Folks who have owned a husky or a golden retriever since childhood know how loyal or cuddly these creatures are. Bonds between owners and pets are strong, sometimes resembling a true friendship. So, no wonder many pupils cherish such a cool companionship. Having a pet in one’s life brings many social and health benefits. Animal lovers tend to live longer and happier lives. Those who enjoy the company of dogs show better results, plus more vigor and optimism. There are many reasons which explain the great influence that furry friends exert on us.

Advantages of Having Dogs for College Students

It’s hard to mention the pros and cons of owning a pet. There’s really no disadvantage in making friends with another species. Imagine having an E.T. for a friend. Some prefer bunnies or pet iguanas, but dogs are the best emotional support animals for college students. We have a bond dating thousands of years into the past. Aside from being outstanding companions, hounds truly understand people’s behavior. That’s why we get along so well.

Dogs are Helpful to Students’ Education

Doggies cannot teach you to write English or excel at medicine, but they are amazing cramming buddies. Think of them as pleasant accessories, like blankets or leg warmers. Pups make people feel more pleasant instantly. Learning is much easier when a cute furball lies beneath one’s feet. 

Besides enjoying study time, students sometimes can face real challenges, such as keeping up with the constant homework deadlines. Choosing to hire professional custom essay writers at Edusson is the surest path to an A-Grade on an academic paper. Their vast experience and extreme dedication will bring you great results. It saves time and helps to meet all the deadlines.

Unless a student owns a pup like Corgi, who likes to bark a lot. In that case, say goodbye to studying. Hopefully, smart students have a pet with a calm and soothing demeanor. That’s a win-win situation — a perfect example showing a symbiosis between a man and a wolf’s descendant. The best dogs for college students probably include beagles or pugs. But, if a pupil can handle Tibetan Mastiff, we totally support him. If he helps a student focus and concentrate more, he’s the right pup. He causes them to feel safe and guarded. Associating learning and hanging out with a canine may create excellent working habits. Studying suddenly becomes a quality time.

Dogs Help With Mental Health

Aside from making us feel safe and guarded, puppies provide comfort or even love when needed. Many experienced owners consider them as equal members of a household. Most dogs reduce stress levels by cuddling or keeping us company. Sometimes, everything a man needs is a hug from a German Shepard to make him feel better. Hounds are probably unaware of their therapeutic effect on humans, although they appreciate a word of praise plus a treat. More than one ancient philosopher or writer has been writing about beloved hounds, praising these loyal and protective animals. Nothing has changed since. Modern scholars equally enjoy the health benefits of spending time with four-legged comrades.

Puppies Keep Us in Shape 

Modern youth don’t get enough time for fitness activities. Owning a pup is a wonderful excuse for exercising a bit, thus staying in shape. Jogging jointly sounds fun. Although, pooches adore swimming or mountain climbing too. So, students actually get a free service of a fitness trainer. There are many activities one can share, including simple walks in the park or playing fetch in the backyard. Numerous medical essay examples cite the health benefits of people’s friendships with Canis Lupus. Regulating blood pressure or sugar levels are just some advantages. Students who own pups feel younger and invigorated after working out together. Both in human and dog years. Apart from that, hanging with pooches:

  • Releases oxytocin, a feel-good hormone
  • Slows down the human heart rate
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Keeps insulin levels within normal boundaries
  • Reduces stress and speeds up metabolism

Dogs Make Students More Social

Being therapy dogs for students is not an easy job. Also, posing as a spiritual animal and University mascot deserves some credit. But helping animal lovers to socialize is often an overlooked blessing. A lot of people enjoy talking about pets. Many serious love relationships started over a mutual adoration for poodles or Yorkshire terriers. Seriously, dating service agencies connected fewer people than annual Chihuahua owner’s conventions.

Having a cute dog like Pomsky makes you more attractive. It signals a person who loves and cares about others. Plus, it’s a conversation starter. Icebreaker if one is too shy to approach his crush. Shows, conventions, long night walks in the park. The opportunities for meeting new people are plentiful.

Final Words

Every scholar should have a pet. It suits them, plus their grades improve following enough quality time spent together. Dogs are unique creatures. We have a strong spiritual bond of friendships. Spending time cuddling or just strolling enhances everyone’s mental health while keeping us in shape. Receiving unconditional love makes people happy, grateful, and joyful. Caring for a pup is a nice custom, and any student ready to handle one should enjoy such an experience. Aside from health benefits, socializing becomes easier for each dog owner. Keep that in mind when feeling lonely. So, appreciate the time spent with these precious animals. Besides, they are our best friends for a reason.