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Owning a Pomsky is tough. From chewing, to the high energy, to the digging
Owning a Pomsky can be a full time job. We know what it’s like. And we are here to help. Click the button below to check out our book, “The Complete Guide To Pomsky Training”, the #1 Pomsky training book on Amazon. We will help you with everything from training, to managing the high energy, to tips and tricks to owning a Pomsky.

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The Complete Guide To Pomsky Training: Pomsky training from start to finish

The Pomeranian Husky can be a difficult breed to train. This mix between a Husky and Pomeranian is highly energetic, strong willed, easily distracted, and nippy. Puppy training is difficult no matter the breed, but Pomskies, in particular, can be extremely difficult to train if not handled correctly.The Pomsky Owners Association brings together a team of Pomsky trainers, Pomsky breeders and Pomsky owners to deliver the ultimate guide to training a Pomsky puppy. In this renowned guide we deliver tips, tricks and step by step instructions to train your Pomsky including:

  • The best method for Pomsky training
  • How to keep your Pomsky engaged
  • Teach your Pomsky commands (11 commands in total)
  • Manage your Pomskies high energy
  • Correct your Pomskies behavioral issues
  • Teach your Pomsky to walk on leash and off leash
  • How to potty train your Pomsky

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Some of the links throughout this article are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, the Pomsky Owners Association will earn a commission if you click through the link and make a purchase.

We only promote products or services that we have personally used and truly feel deliver value to the Pomsky owner.

Please note that the Pomsky Owners Association has not been given any free products, services, or perks by these companies in exchange for mentioning them in this article. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions or compensation from select products or services that we have used and recommend.

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