Carolina Pomskies LLC
We are a husband and wife business that love dogs especially me. We are based in SC and my dream as a child was always to have lots of land and have a animal farm with lots of dogs.
I have always owned Pomeranians and had told myself that the first big dog I will own would be a Husky just because of their beauty , sweet personality etc so when I found out about this breed I was in Absolute Love and continue to want to learn more and more about this breed.
Piedmont, SC
Point of contact: Ingrid Mode
Phone: (864) 915-3590
Email: Carolinapomskys@gmail.com
Website: http://carolinapomskysllc.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Busterue11
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Carolinapomskys/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/carolina-pomskies-llc/

Greenville Pomskies
As the breeder behind Greenville Pomskies, I am proud to say that our program is dedicated to creating therapy-grade companions for families and facilities. Our thoughtful approach to pairing Sophie, our healthy and genetically-tested female, with suitable mates based on key factors such as conformation, health, and temperament is what sets us apart. It is our mission to bring joy and comfort to those who need it most, and we believe that every Pomsky we produce is a step towards achieving that goal.
Travelers Rest, SC
Point of contact: Jade Menkes
Phone: (717) 475-5709
Email: jamks60@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreenvillePomskies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvlpomskies/
Other Social: https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/greenville-pomskies-south-carolina
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/greenville-pomskies/

Alpha Poms & Pomskies
Our love and dedication to Pomskies is our singular motivation to better this breed. We devote our home and time to the nurturing of each and every puppy to ensure the best foundation and quality of life. We are proud to partner with you to provide a long, loving life for our babies. It is our privilege to enrich the lives of others and provide your new furry family.
Canton, Georgia
Point of contact: Lisa Pombert
Phone: (678) 557-3809
Email: Alphapomskies@gmail.com
Website: https://Alphapomskies.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alphapomskies1
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Alphapomskies
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/alpha-poms-and-pomskies/

Beastly Beauties Huskies & Pomskies
We are a small hobby, but ethical and quality breeder, located a couple hours NE of Atlanta. Our pomskies are our family. We treat them as such, not just as breeder dogs. We aim to produce quality, healthy, and happy puppies! We raise our puppies within our home. We take pride in the puppies that we produce and want to provide you with a great pomsky puppy. We are a member of the International Pomsky Association (IPA) and Pomsky Owners Association (POA). We abide by the Code of Ethics of both Associations.
Monroe, GA
Point of contact: Jennifer Edmondson
Phone: 770-866-6781
Email: bambamboss@rocketmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beastlybeautiespomskies/
Website: https://beastlybeautiespomskies.com/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/beastly-beauties-huskies-pomskies/

Once Upon A Pomsky
Welcome to Once Upon a Pomsky. We are located in North Waterboro Maine. We are a small hobby breeder of Pomsky puppies. Our Pomskies, Huskies and Pom’s are part of our family, and live in the house with us. We only crate them at night and they run around the house and in our back yard all day. I have two small children and 2 cats so all our puppies will be socialized around kids and other animals. Please make sure you are well informed about Pomskies before purchasing a puppy.
For more up to date information or to see posts about upcoming litters and view more pictures of puppies from birth and up please like our Facebook Page. I often post when my dogs are close to their due date and during deliveries on what pups have arrived. People have also staked claims on puppies during my delivery posts. If you don’t have Facebook don’t worry I can add you to my e-mail list and you can receive information and pictures as soon as the pups arrive. As always I will update the site, or can make phone calls if requested.
Eastman, Georgia
Point of contact: Chassie Karnes
Phone: 478-234-6048 (call or text)
Email: OnceUponaPomsky@gmail.com
Website: www.onceuponapomsky.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnceUponAPomsky/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/once-upon-a-pomsky/

Peace, Love & Pomskies
I was raised around many different species of animals and breeding Rottweilers. I’ve always loved
animals and felt a true connection to them. When I came across the pomsky breed I knew that I found
my life path. I want to spread the joy this breed brings to my life, as well as help further the breed for
AKC recognition.
I am a stay at home mom to 3 amazing children, 1 cat and 5 gorgeous Pomskies. I get so much happiness
from taking care of my family and pack. We are from Pennsylvania but are now currently located in
Central Florida. Raising a family and a pack is one of the most rewarding and joyful things in my life. It is
truly my soul’s purpose.
We use integrated practices. We do our best to use all natural and organic products with our pack, as
well as the highest standards of veterinarian care. We use non-GMO food and even make our own
organic wet food. Our pups are socialized with cats, other dogs and children. They live with us in home
and are a daily part of family life from day one
Lakeland, Florida
Point of contact: Bathsheba Kauffman
Phone: (863) 999-9026
Email: plpomskies@gmail.com
Website: http://peacelovepomskies.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/peaceloveandpomskies
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peaceloveandpomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/peace-love-pomskies/

Pristine Pomskies
Here at Pristine Pomskies, we uphold a strict breeding standard and all of our animals are inside pets. We breed to achieve amazing temperament and health first and adorable markings second. All puppies are raised inside our home and are socialized throughout each day. We make sure every puppy that is adopted is a perfect match for its new family.
Our relationship with adopters begins with a phone call and lasts the entire life of the dog. We are always here to answer your questions and concerns about your new family member. This is a hobby for us since we only own 2 huskies. This allows us to spend more time matching puppies perfectly since we only have a few pomskies per year.
We pride ourselves in ensuring a positive experience! Puppies from Pristine Pomskies come with a 2 year health guarantee, thorough vet examination, first round of puppy shots, health record, deworming, puppy food, toys, harness, leash, and blanket with their mother’s scent. Microchips are available upon request.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Point of contact: Lauren Schrumpf
Email: pristinepomskies@gmail.com
Website: http://pristinepomskies.webs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pristinepomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/Pristine-pomskies/

Scenic City Pomskies
Hello! We are a family owned kennel nestled in north Georgia area. We absolutely love the Pomsky breed! That’s why We have decided to start our own program! Our dogs are family and are treated as so! Our goal is to produce the best Pomsky puppies possible! And share the love of the Pomsky breed! We look forward to helping you find your perfect puppy!
Rossville, Georgia
Point of contact: Andrea Gardner
Phone: (423) 463-9855
Email: andreapaigegardner@gmail.com
Website: https://citypomskies.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sceniccitypomskies/
Membership Page: https://pomskyownersassociation.com/scenic-city-pomskies/
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